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Tuesday 27 February 2018

Etude by Mike Oldfield

One of the most haunting pieces of music you will ever hear. Etude, by Mike Oldfield from The Killing Fields
A reminder of the cruelty of mankind and why history should always be remembered to prevent things like this ever happening again.

The Cambodian Killing Fields (KhmerវាលពិឃាតKhmer pronunciation: [ʋiəl pikʰiət]) are a number of sites in Cambodia where collectively more than a million people were killed and buried by the Khmer Rouge regime, during its rule of the country from 1975 to 1979, immediately after the end of the Cambodian Civil War(1970–1975). The mass killings are widely regarded as part of a broad state-sponsored genocide (the Cambodian genocide).
Analysis of 20,000 mass grave sites by the DC-Cam Mapping Program and Yale University indicate at least 1,386,734 victims of execution. Estimates of the total number of deaths resulting from Khmer Rouge policies, including disease and starvation, range from 1.7 to 2.5 million out of a 1975 population of roughly 8 million. In 1979, Vietnam invaded Democratic Kampuchea and toppled the Khmer Rouge regime.
The Cambodian journalist Dith Pran coined the term "killing fields" after his escape from the regime.
[Extract from Wikipedia:]