Blog Archive

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Thursday 31 August 2023

Who am I, Lord?

 This is something to remind us that even when we feel useless at our lowest point, seemingly unappreciated and worthless. God cares, He doesn't wait for us to 'meet expectations or be good enough' He just loves us and wants to be out Father, with everything that goes with that.

Monday 28 August 2023

The Long Road

This one started so long ago and the road still stretches out in front of me,
but the picture has changed so much


Friday 18 August 2023

Who am I - A question asked time and time again

When I originally wrote this, I realized that I had only focused on the beginning and hadn't really defined the 'now' . I have revised it it and put more detail into the last third to define how and where the journey is taking me. I asked and was given answers, This happened between me and God, no-one else was involved.


Tuesday 15 August 2023

Wishing Upon Dreams

Dreams - weather awake or asleep, this consistent rush of imagery and words
This was done some time ago, about 2007, it is still so very relevant in my mind,
Please enjoy them both.


Monday 7 August 2023

 This is the first painting in about four/five years, hopefully this is a new beginning. This one turned out very different to what I was expecting, much better. The size is about 5 feet in Hight. It chose a different direction, something new and refreshing for me. I named it it 'When I Dream' Please follow the link for the poem.

When I Deam - Poem Link

Wednesday 2 August 2023

A Picture

I was going through some older material when I came across this one. It helped me to understand the constant barrage of images that bounce around my head. I tend to see and understand everything in pictures some bright some dark. It never ends I see them with my eyes closed, open, when I dream. New clashing with old ideas, thoughts concepts realizations. This was 2005 it is still as real to me as the day I wrote it.


Friday 28 July 2023


I wrote this just after meeting my wife, when I read it now, I realize how much more it applies, We have both grown through the trials of life and allowed God to hold us together as we grow. I think this applies so much more now when I look at her. I am so thankful that she is part of me and I am part of her. Sometimes it is good to revisit the past and see how we have grown.


Wednesday 5 July 2023

We are all older now. Wiser? I have my doubts.

Everything we went through was supposed to keep people safe and help make a better world, when I look around, I realize how damaging politicians are. They continue to leave a trail of destruction in their wake as they carve their way through our world. The really sad part is that we let them. Don't ask me to sing national anthems or be patriotic, that's a twisted ideal, a poisoned chalice. I care for people, individuals, not nations. The 'nation' tends to take on the identity of whatever political ideal is in charge. So, no! I don't go down that path anymore.

Friday 9 June 2023

A Snapshot

I didn't think I was going to write anymore, then this fell out my mind.


Tuesday 2 May 2023

That place in my mind

I enjoy that place in my mind where I can go and make my own world of thought and idea, a place that I can change and adapt and recreate. A place that holds very little reality. I don't own it, it just becomes.